
Speaker. Mentor. Podcaster

Life is short, and there’s no debating this fact. Things come and go, perspectives come and go, and eventually people come and go faster than a blink in time. I’m convinced if it weren’t for difficult times, we might never pray. It’s been awhile since I last wrote, and as I reflect upon my life over the past several months, I’m hard pressed to respond to the simplicity of one of life’s most basic questions, “How are you?”

It’s in that moment where the trajectory of our maturity and character is once again tested on the stage of truth. The fact that multiple responses are considered before rendering a verdict is nothing short of a scandal in the making. Should I smile and say, “good?” Should I deploy reverse psychology and say, “great, how about you?” After all, it’s not about me even though it is about me because they asked. Transparency is easily masqueraded by good intentions, while the evidence of hopes and dreams lay just beyond arms reach.

I confess that over the past two decades, I’ve been honored to spend a great deal of time building and rebuilding the lives of others as a Christian Pastor, Counselor, and Life Coach. I’m blessed to have held a front row seat to miraculous turnarounds in many lives and marriages, and wouldn’t trade that for anything. Yet as we experience this holy weekend, I wonder if we share the proper perspective on what it truly means to be empty?

Many times, we master a skill that is counterproductive to our freedom and peace in life—our cover story. You know your cover story better than anyone, and sadly there are numerous versions of it. Sadly, the pain you’re experiencing today is real, valid, and will destroy you if you allow it. A predictable excuse might be to assign blame to someone other than yourself to distance yourself as the cause or contributor, or maybe pretending that you’ve got control over the issue is more convenient.Egypt on Route 66

The emptiness in your heart is not easily explained, and I won’t pretend to know exactly how you feel today carrying the burden of losing a loved one, not being able to naturally birth children, struggling with the news that you have cancer, or having your life turned inside-out because your spouse wants an unexpected divorce. Some of you might be thinking, “you haven’t walked in my shoes!” and this is true—my feet won’t fit in your shoes, nor do yours fit mine, but we can still walk in pursuit of truth on this journey of life.

Not many years ago, I suffered an unexplained medical trauma, which left my equilibrium in disarray and excessive dry heaving over a 3-day period. Ultimately, I was rushed to the hospital to undergo extensive tests; one of which was a myelogram. Unfortunately, I experienced major complications to this medical procedure, and felt as if I were going to die. I remember lying on my bed in a completely dark room because light and sound exacerbated my pain. There was nothing more important to me than to be free from my pain.

To make a long story short, I had a miraculous personal experience with Jesus Christ that has forever changed my life. I begged The Lord Jesus Christ to end my pain, which was code for “end my life!” yet I remember Him distinctly saying to me, “you forgot to ask me one thing”, I replied, “What?”, and He said, “You forgot to invite me into your pain.”

Instantaneously, my eyes were opened with the understanding that The Lord desired to free me from my pain—not of my pain. There was no immediate magical ending to my experience, yet I continued to endure indescribable pain for another few days, but at least the Lord was there in my pit of pain with me. As we celebrate this Easter season, let’s not be distracted with bunny rabbits, chocolates, or an attitude of apathy.

Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  NIV

There’d be nothing special about Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on Friday if it weren’t for Sunday morning. There is hope for you today no matter how empty you are, and there’s an empty tomb as proof. Happy Ressurection Day, He is risen!

Until next time, be encouraged.


I speak to thousands of men, women, and young adults annually on leadership, relationships, life’s purpose, and decision making. Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote of life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to invite me as a speaker for your next event, please contact me. Excerpts published from the book, “Life. The Struggle Within, by Egypt McKee”


Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2010-2015 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

Plan B.

I recently returned from a multi-day high school retreat as the event speaker. There’s nothing quite like having your “A” game fine tuned when preparing to engage with a large number of energetic teens. Several weeks of planning, preparation, and prayer was about to unfold before my very eyes.

On the first day, I looked out into a sea of young engaged eyes hanging onto every word I spoke, at which time I noticed a large number of international students looking on as if present, but not necessarily engaged. The first impression that came to mind was that this is going to be a tough crowd to influence, yet I couldn’t help but be reminded that life has a way of offering opportunities masked as challenges.

Rather than continue on with my plan, I went to the only place where I knew I would gain right perspective: on my knees in prayer. I quickly received peace about communicating my sermons in smaller chunks that would help my teen audience reinforce the importance of loving God, themselves, and their neighbors. My Plan B included appropriate human touch and connection: hugs, smiles, and looking one another in the eyes.

As a result, something transformational happened to these students and faculty during these interactive exercises this week that is difficult to explain. Language, cultural, and social barriers were superseded by hugs, smiles, and a demonstration of the greatest command: Love your neighbor as yourself.

I wonder what life would look like if people took responsibility for being less entitled to dominate others in the world thru hate, and more compassion about genuinely loving God and one another? I choose the latter.

Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me. Thanks to Capistrano Valley Christian School for inviting me to be your 2014 annual retreat speaker and inspiring this story!

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.


Egypt McKee

Evangelist | Speaker | Author | TV Host

©2014 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.


Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2014 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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I will be Guest Speaking in the Young Adults Ministry. Join us if you’re in the area.

Date: July 24, 2014
Time: 7:00PM-8:30PM
Event: Mount of Olives Church
Venue: Mount of Olives Church
(949) 837-7467
Location: 24772 Chrisanta Drive
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
United States of America
Public: Public