Have you seen my …?

Is there anything quite as frustrating as looking for your keys or wallet when it’s sitting right under your nose? Far too often we skip over all the obvious details to go about solving life’s challenges the best way we know how: on our own.

The one thing that seems to elude us is the one thing that would help us find the obvious more importantly, give us the ability to engage with our families and others appropriately.

Perspective. Can you say the word with the conviction that you not only have it, but practice it as well? Considering the fact that we live in a world where drama queens and kings receive all the attention, the unqualified lead the masses, and bizarre behavior is worshipped with relentless passion. Right perspective is needed more than ever.

As a husband and father, I realize there is a clear distinction between being a father and a daddy, and furthermore the reality of being present versus engaged. No one ever cares how hard you work, but they do care about how you engage in their lives.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to give up something of value to get something of greater value. Everything rises and falls on leadership. Think about it and share your comments below with me.

Until next time, Be encouraged.


I speak to hundreds of thousands of young adults, men, women, and couples annually on leadership, decision making, and relationships.  Sometimes life has a way of being the antidote to life itself. If you’d like more information on this topic or how to bring me in as a speaker for your next event, please  contact me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to my Tribe/Newsletter on my homepage. Post your comment below, Share my blogs with your friends on social media, and visit my website often for daily inspiration.


Egypt McKee

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Life Coach

©2014 Copyright, Egypt McKee. All Rights Reserved.

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