Young World: You Did What?!?

Do you remember leaving your bedroom a cataclismic disaster, yet convincing everyone that it was acceptable? How about dirty dishes in the sink, dirty clothes all over the house, food in the sofa, lights on all night?

It’s interesting the expectations for hygiene you’ll expect others to conform to when your standards for the same bear judgement.

Being an example is best practiced when others around refuse to acknowledge your standards for excellence. Every choice you make in life determines the kind of person you are going to be. Choose wisely.

Dads: This is Your Last Straw.

If you take time to observe your family and the unique differences of each member, you’ll find out quickly that none of you seems to be the same. You should be thankful that everyone isn’t like you.

One of the chief complaints of young people about their fathers and men of authority is that we always go to the end of the story when it pertains to them. We always have a predetermined final answer and objective to every argument, confrontation, and discussion.

Rarely do we listen, legitimately listen to our children’s dreams, thought process, or creativity. It feels all too masculine to barge in and apply our engineering genius with mathematical precision.

When all is said and done, we end up treating our children like a business customer rather than acknowledging the spontaneity of their thoughts, ideas, and plans.

Sometimes, the best response we can give is in intently listening, smiling, and celebrating the fact that they thought it up all by themselves no matter how we feel about the soundness of their proposal.

Moms: Step away from the Car.

I’ve commonly referred to wives and moms as the CEO of Balance in their homes. The age old expression that, “If momma ain’t happy, then no one is happy” applies in most households I’m aware of.

Interestingly, babies and children often respond in direct proportion to a mothers mannerisms and responses. More often than not, a baby’s insecurity comes from sensing yours.

Practice staying calm, and your baby and children will likely follow your lead and be calm as well. She who yells the loudEST is not necessarily the rightEST. Be encouraged!

Young World: Don’t forget where you come from.

Being your own person sounds great until you actually try it. The incubator of life generally begins at home with a loving father and mother or guardian who did the very best they could to raise you with good character and integrity.

More often than not, the desire to get out of dodge means long periods of time before you ever recognize that you’ve failed to call or visit your parents. Trust me, no parent worth their salt is comfortable with this behavior.

Don’t forget where you came from. Abandon your smart phone and computer, and visit them personally if you can, and give them a hug, and thank them for all they’ve done for you. Then you can ask to borrow more money!


Dads: Change that diaper.

I remember being a young dad  years ago, and the adventure of raising my children as if out in the wild. The thought of changing diapers was not only as a hazardous occupation, but one requiring smelling salts.

If it were up to me, I’d test the limits of Pampers as if there was no tomorrow. Often times, my little ones would not tell me they needed to be changed, I would simply depend upon the toxicity of the surrounding air.

Checking and changing their diapers would not only make them hygienically sound, but also happy campers. The moral to my story is that your role as the detective for finding crap in your children’s lives will ultimately be a skill that allows you to protect those in whom you love most as they grow into adulthood.


Moms: Get savings over stuff

It never ceases to amaze me as to the perceived desire to overdo the celebrations for newborns, infants, and toddlers. Simply put, you don’t need more “stuff” for your little ones.

Not only will they grow faster than you can blink, but they end up outgrowing those expensive clothes in just weeks. Decide to save your money, invest in their future, and make due with less. This is the right thing to do.

They will not likely remember any of the extravagant things you felt compelled to purchase. Babies won’t stay babies forever, but you’ll surely call them “your baby” regardless of their age.

Young World: Think before moving out?

Sometimes an idea sounds so much better in your mind, yet ends up being a train wreck in reality.  Up until now, your parents/guardians have provided you a place to grow, and now you want to be your own man or woman.

Think long and hard before you actually make that decision to leave. Sit down with others older than yourself who can give you wise counsel, even if you don’t want to hear their disappointing warnings. Pray, Plan, and Prepare before moving forward. 

Whatever you do, make sure you leave on excellent terms with your parents/guardians so that you may be welcomed to return in the event things don’t work out as you’d planned.

Dads: See what you say.

It should come as no surprise that when you’re speaking to someone, you should look them in the eyes. Sadly, many people feel embarrassed or ashamed to look anyone in the eyes as a fear of silent intimidation.

This takes practice and is humbling to say the least. Your children will benefit by your ability to demonstrate self control, confidence, and compassion when you communicate with them.

Looking others in the eyes will mean the difference between respect and disconnect in the long run. If you lack the skill to pull this off, then find other honorable men who will be happy to encourage you in this area.

Moms: Draw Your Line in the Sand.

Trusting your instincts is one thing, yet relying upon others is another. So often, momma’s are exhausted from carrying a watermelon in their stomachs for 9-months then delivering it through a garden hose. The birthing process is nothing short of miraculous!

Keeping your purpose and mission in mind requires healthy boundaries, which must be reinforced regularly. The people you invite into your world are critical to your success as a mom, wife, and parent. Choose wisely.

Young World: Speak Up like you mean it.

Everyone knows that there are certain words that can be used to incite fear, anger, and retaliation. No one knows this more than young adults under <29 years of age.

The things that fly out of your mouth, first originate in your heart. Think about rehearsing in your mind how your words will be received and the tone with which you’ll deliver them.

It’s pathetic that anyone would consider it a term of endearment to refer to a family member or friend as a B*tch or @%#!$, which leads me to suggest that if you wouldn’t speak to your momma, daddy, grandmother, policeman, or a judge in that way, then you should simply keep quiet. Just saying.